Take Cellphones off the Menu

Now that it’s been established that cellphones may not be the best means of communication, let’s focus on some ways to lower cellphone usage. There exist so many great alternatives to our cellphones as well as many experiences that have become tainted or entirely lost with the rising use of cellphones. First of all, dinner was once a special time of the day where people would socialize and share stories after a long day of work. It was an essential part of everyday life as well as social interaction. Today, it is becoming increasingly common for cellphones to occupy a vital place on dinner tables. Families are more focused on their devices than on the people surrounding them. Restaurants are filled with individuals who appear to sit together, but their attention is focused solely on their phone screens. This is a worrisome sight—yet it is observed everywhere one may go. It is essential that we make dinner a true social experience once again. Some evening, ask everyone present at the dinner table to place their phones in the center of the table, out of easy reach. Challenge everyone to eat the entire meal without once reaching for their phone. Though a simple exercise, the results will be well worth it. Furthermore, there is no reason to stop with time at the dinner table. Cellphone usage follows us everywhere. Try any other regular activities with a conscious effort on lowering your usage. Next time you go out with a friend, try leaving your phone on “do not disturb” and challenge your friend to do the same. Instead of texting a multitude of people all night, invite a few over and play some board games; the social interaction will be much more tangible. Start making a difference in your life today. Social interaction doesn’t have to revolve around cellphones.