Social Interaction is Vital to our Everyday Life

Perhaps cellphones do have a negative impact on social interaction, but then why is genuine social interaction so important? Social interaction is a very fundamental part of human nature. Humans thrive on social interaction, on forming bonds with others and maintaining them in a very tangible manner. Our social lives represent a significant part of who we are and good social relationships have direct health benefits. “Good social support might also help coping with stress and major life changes like a divorce, redundancy, moving house etc. It is proved that lonely people more often suffer from cardiovascular problems, stress and depression. Knowing that we are valued by others is an important psychological factor in helping us to forget the negative aspects of our lives, and thinking more positively about our environment” (Zuzana). In other words, social relations bring much needed positivity in our lives. Cellphones tend to prevent such interactions, leading to less personal relationships as well as a higher risk of stress and depression. Along with participating in tangible social interaction, it is important to live in the moment. The single most important thing in each of our lives is what is happening in the present. Everything that surrounds us at any given time is momentous because once it passes, never again can it be relived. Accordingly, people form connections and communicate in the moment, allowing for genuine social interaction, a vital part of our daily life. Cellphones disrupt the natural balance of our lives, calling our attention away from what is happening around us and towards something else, something that is likely completely irrelevant to what is taking place in our life at that point in time. As it draws our attention away from what surrounds us, our cellphone gives the impression of social interaction without many of the important benefits. We must make the most of every moment we have, and that means talking and spending time with those who are closest to us. Though phones are great technological tools, they will never replace humans in any way. Often, cellphones allow us to communicate with that which is outside of our surroundings, leaving those close by feeling ignored or unimportant. With cellphones set aside, social interaction could once again become a genuine source of comfort as well as an integral part of our lives.
Works Cited
Zuzana. “The Importance of Social Interaction to Human Health” HEBF. Sept. 14 2012, Accessed December 18 2017.